Monday, October 3, 2022


I mentioned earlier that we were planning a visit to the airfield my father,Vic, flew from in WWII.  It’s a visit I’ve wanted to make for a while. We ran into an issue as we searched for a way to get on the airstrip. (Only one building has survived the passing years on the base but I wanted to able to stand on the strip.) 
I understand but cannot verify that NATO jets used the airstrip during the Bosnian conflict in the ‘90s. Probably F-16s, again, not confirmed. However, NATO fenced the strip after the conflict and has restricted access. 
I knew the San Pancrazio city historian had authored  a book on the US, 15th Army Air Force operations there. I contacted Pancrazio (same name as the town) Stridi to inquire about getting on the base. He immediately responded and invited us to join him and an interpreter for a visit.  He can read and write English, but not speak English. NATO allows him access as a town official. 
It will be a special time for us to visit the place where Ry’s and my father flew his last mission before being imprisoned by Hitler for fifteen months. Over time, I’ll share some of the research we’ve completed on Vic’s battle missions flown and his long months and hardships as a prisoner of war. Jim

James V. (Vic) Hemphill, Jr.