Monday, April 15, 2024
Pam and I are preparing to hit the road early next week to continue our travels. This trip will take us to United Kingdom for a London refresher and on to Liverpool, you can guess what we’ll be doing there, and then to other interesting English stops. We progress northward to the Scottish Highland, Skye, and places I’ll report on along the way. Our UK trip concluded we will fly from Edinburgh to Frankfurt and meet up with a few other folks with whom we share similar family histories. Our fathers were all airmen shot down bombing axis powers and became prisoners of war during WWII.
We will be recreating the Death March, a 600 hundred mile, 86 day forced march in an attempt by Hitler to hold US boys hostage to use as bargaining chips at war’s end. We’ll visit prison camps and “barn hospitals” as we drive the march route. Much more to come on that world war atrocity and the French/German television documentary that will be filmed as we recreate the March. Our plan is to honor our fathers’ commitment and sacrifice for freedom.
We hope you will join us on our trip. As always, blame spelling errors on autocorrect and punctuation miscues on my English comp prof. Cheers, Jim