Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Picture Catchup

Frankfurt, Wetzler, Bad Camberg, Usingen
May 7-8, 2024

Things have been happens so fast it’s been difficult to keep up with the blog posts. What I can say is that this experience is a once in a lifetime opportunity and our group is fortunate to be able to participate. 

I’ve posted a number of pictures that might give you a little better perspective of where we are and what we’ve been able to see and do. I’ve tried to put pictures in a reasonable order chronologically, and with brief captions without a lot of narrative.

These are the five Kriegie Kids whose fathes were POWs and they are together on this trip. 
Left to right first row. 
Ellen Weaver Hartman, Laura Edge, Ellen , me
Back, Rick Rubin

This is the town of Oberusal, site of Dulag Luft described in a previous post. 

We look calm here, but we are looking for the film crew in Oberusal but they are in Wetzlar. It’s only 30 miles, we’ll figure it out. 

In a garage in Bad Camberg 
Engine from a B-17 that Rich’s father was shot down in. Plane exploded and his fatter and one other crewmen were the only survivors. 

Propeller nose cone
Cylinder broken in crash
That’s a propeller shaft sticking up, top
Bottom, Rich looking at his dads plane’s engine 
Finding Laura’s father’s plane crash site. We walked about a mile or so locating the gps coordinates. 
50 caliber shell casing found at the crash site. 

At the site of Laura’s fathers plane crash
WWII Artifacts from Bad Camberg, citizen explorer 
Flak front crash site. 50 caliber shell from plane
Below, flak 

Below, Gentleman who collected plane parts, flavk and other artifacts. 
Below is Helga, an eyewitness to a B-17 crash in Bad Camberg. Wonderful lady, who about 12, 92 now, left a bomb shelter to watch an air battle and witnessed the crash. 

Meeting with former Hitter Youth 
We made the Wetzlar news paper. 

Below, Eric is the Wetzlar newspaper reporter gathering info on our visit and impromptu translator. Good guy. 
These three pictures below show our discussions with the former Hitler Youth members. A little difficult knowing the history of the organization but they talked with us openly and we appreciated the opportunity. 

That’s Susan Meinl in the red sweater, German WWII historian traveling with us. That’s Harry filming and Dave the sound man.