Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday Afternoon in Budapest

After attending church this morning, Hungarian Lutheran as it turns out, we had Hungarian lunch at a restaurant in an ancient stone building.  

Taking pictures of food is done for several reasons, it’s especially tasty, attractive or in a nice restaurant you want to brag about. We’ve taken a few to document that we really ate what the pictures show. Lunch was beef cheeks and a pasta that resembled Grape Nut Flakes and steamed cabbage stuffed with sauerkraut and crispy pork loin strips. Our soup was white bean soup with potatoes, pork knuckles and, of course, white beans. I have accurate digital evidence that will prove I’m not making this you know what up.  The other matter is that it was very good. 

Our afternoon was a trip to Pest and the Hungarian Parliament.

 It’s a 1902 structure but not medieval like many buildings you see in Europe.  Parliament has continued its one party governance since WWII, a carry over from the long communist rule. The Red star was removed from the building in 1990 after the fall of Commission but a unicameral legislature remains.  I think they have competing parties but they meet as one governing body. 

We pre-purchased tour tickets for the Parliament, and asked the concierge to get us cab with time to spare. It’s normally a twenty minute ride. With fourteen to go, the cab showed up; a cool looking guy with a hopped up Mercedes, where to?  Parliament, and we need to be there in thirteen minutes. Reply… no problem. LAS (long story short) we made it, didn’t hurt anyone, including ourselves and hit 110 Km/hr on Main Street, no you know what, no digital evidence but seriously, no kidding, true. 

We’re concluding our day in the hotel happy hour and looking forward to a good short nights sleep, leave for Bari in morning at 7:00AM. Talk later from Monopoli on the Adriatic. Jim and Pam 
See pics from today. 
View from our hotel room last evening. 
Pubic relations hall. 

Legislative chamber
Grand hall

I want to tell you about shoes in the first pic. Jews were lined up along the Danube and shot in the Axis extermination attempt. They were made take off their clothes and shoes before being shot and falling into the river.  The memorial of the shoes makes the times very real. How does that happen?