Flights were without incident and we didn’t lose any thing unti we left a bag in the Uber from the Jackson AP. The process for getting in contact with an Uber driver bout leaving spouses makeup bag in the bed of his Silverado is almost as interesting as dealing with said spouse. Let your imagination complete this blog segment.
Being away for thirty-four days has a number of associated implications. We left in Sumer and now it’s winter We missed Halloween and have a bare fridge for TG and trees shed their leaves in the Fall. We have a wasp nest in the sunroom and a house is going up next door, but lying down in our own beds and waking up to homemade Americano helps smooth the travel trauma. Great to be home and looking forward to what comes next.
I’ll be continuing to blog about Pam’s and my travel prep and other super interesting stuff about a few experiences on the road, and at home. I hope folks will check in every so often to see what’s going on. I don’t provide a way for readers to make comments and I don’t send notifications (I don’t like getting notifications either), so we’ll leave it up to readers to choose to be readers.
Hope to talk with you here from time to time, and now I’ve got to go rake leaves… after finishing my coffee. Jim and Makeupless Spouse, Pam.