Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Jet Lag and Hamburgers

My clock says it’s 12:30 AM, my body says it’s 7:30AM, so I’m up making coffee, checking News pages and planning the day’s activities. 

My clock now says 7:30PM, I’ve been up nineteen hours, and my body is in the dysfunction of loosing seven time zones in less than twelve hours. Maybe by forcing myself to stay up a little later, I can begin to regain a normal central time zone lifestyle. 

It’s interesting that gaining seven time zone hours on the front end of a trip doesn’t have the same body snatching effect as it does on the backend of a trip.  It probably has something to do with the endorphins of excitement in being in a far away land and not having to cut the grass for a while. 

I’m not sure what chasing the sun back home has to do with hamburgers but I seem to always crave a juicy skillet fried hamburger when I get home. Not sure why because we’ve sworn off hamburgers at home for several years now, something to do with eating habits in old age, I guess. But, it’s become a rite of homecoming when we travel overseas. 

Tonight was hamburger night. Pam bought some ground meat and mixed up her better than Krystal burger patties. I heated the black iron pan sufficiently to quickly sear the burger and trap the no way to describe flavor of fried burger. 

The secret to the perfect burger is to kill the botulisms before killing the burger. Nobody likes a dry burger. Just before flipping, throw in a few onions, rounds not chopped, so they will stay put when a you chomp down. Now, flip and lay a square of provolone on top, turn the heat down low and cover the skillet with whatever you can find. Iron skillets never have matching tops. Sometimes I splash a little Dry Sherry in the pan before covering, but that’s your choice. 

There is one sure way to destroy a well prepared burger, toast the bun. Buns should be warmed so the bread is warm and moist, with the outside of the bun firm hot but not crusty. Mayo on both sides, next tomato slice on bottom then meat with mustard on bottom of patty. Top of meat and melted cheese with sautéed onions, dill pickle rounds, lettuce, salt and pepper. That’s it, don’t even think about ketchup. Tomatoes on the bottom will stay put better than on the top. Use a dish towel because a paper napkin won’t keep up. Enjoy, I did. 

It’s now 8:30 PM Central time, I’m hamburgered out. Talk, tomorrow.  Jim