Bus to Catania Airport for flight out of Taormina
Again, we fit right in. The hour and fifteen ride to airport was ok for a bus, and it stopped in just the right place for us to begin the airport drill we all know and love.
I have previously written about WizzAir, tongue in cheek, but they do run on time. Lot of standing in line and waiting, but the price is right. It’s a bare, meet the passengers basic needs, take off, land, stuff like that. It’s also interesting that the flight attendants sell men’s and women’s fragrances from the carts that normally tote biscotti and peanuts. You have to be creative to make ends meet sometimes.
The only thing that really bothers me is that no one knows Captain Flood
(if you haven’t read my post on Captain Flood, WizzAir ace pilot this comment won’t make sense. You can catch the post in the archives below). It has dawned on me that they know him but keep it a secret.
We landed in Pisa, yeah Pisa. Florence flight canceled and the closest we could get to Florence was Pisa. We (Pam) scrambled around and found what is called The PisaMover, which we found with the help of a Pisonian gentleman. The P’mover took a few miles to Trenitalia central, where we found the red ticket machine, deciphered it, yet again, and bought tickets to Florence. Ok, the lights on the schedule board for our train are blinking… it’s loading and we have no idea where platform 4 might be, let’s take a chance and run that way. We did, found 4 and were the last two folks into the car.
I’m without Pam now because this train is packed and our seats are not in close proximity. We will get to Florence after dark and have a mile hike to our apartment. Fitting; that’s the way our day started.
Our walk to the Apartment took us over the Arno, one bridge down from Ponte Vecchio bridge. Florence was busy and the lights of the city lit up the river as we crossed. We found our abode, put bags away and headed for the little restaurant
our host suggested. Perfect end to a busy travel day. Talk more tomorrow. Jim
P. S. Travel modes today in chronological order:
PisaMover (kinda shuttle on rails)